With the Bryan National Little League spring season under way, the Bombers covered their first little league game of the week on Wednesday, April 22. Last nights game featured an exciting match of T-ball between the Rangers and the Pirates. The ballgame, which took place at Bob Bond-Harrison Field, proved to be a close game between two very eager and talented teams.
The Pirates started off the first inning with a couple of strong hits, putting some pressure on the Rangers in the outfield. After the Rangers showed their skills in the outfield, it was now their turn to prove their talents at bat. Each player that batted for the Rangers put in some strong runs for the team, while appearing to be having fun in the process. In the bottom of the second inning, Kaylee, one of the many key players for the Rangers scored an impressive home run to end the game as a tie.
Although score was not kept, it seemed as if both the Rangers and the Pirates played to win. At the end of the game, Gatorade was given to refresh both teams as we began to interview Kaylee, one of the many star players for the Rangers. To see the interview, visit our FaceBook page at https://www.facebook.com/bvbombers/timeline