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Franchise Partners

The Brazos Valley Bombers are launching a new profit sharing program for the 2017 season.

Our F.U.N Program is a powerful fundraising tool that allows your nonprofit to keep 100% of the revenue for the tickets your organization sells. For $450 your organization will received 100 tickets to the night you select. Along with tickets to that night's game, you also receive exclusive participation in that night’s Pitch In Program ! 

Our Pitch In Program is new this season and we are so excited to launch it with you and your organization! Every fan that makes a purchase at one of our 8 concession stand windows will be asked if they want to "Pitch In" and donate a $1 to your cause. Every dollar donated through the Pitch In Program goes straight back to your organization!

This package also includes 

- Throwing out a first pitch

- Booth space set up the night of your game to promote your cause

- PA announcements for your organization 

- Social media post promoting your organization to our followers 


Join us as we Pitch In and give back to the community we live and work in.